Waterford Pet Hospital

12130 Yosemite Blvd
Waterford, CA 95386




We help families live

full lives with happy pets


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Brown Dog in a Grassy Field

Welcome to Waterford Pet Hospital. We are a full service animal hospital providing comprehensive healthcare services to pets in Waterford and the surrounding areas. We offer a wide variety of medical, surgical and dental services in our veterinary clinic.  We provide complete care for our patients.

Our veterinary hospital is well equipped with advanced equipment and technologies to provide the highest standard of care for your pet. Our facility has the equipment to provide comprehensive in house testing for accurate diagnosis, digital x-ray, ultrasound, surgical suite, dental care, pharmacy, and more. 


At Waterford Pet Hospital we are committed to providing quality care at every stage of your pet's life. From routine preventive care for your pets to early detection and treatment of a wide range of conditions and diseases and surgical care, we have the expertise to provide the care your pet needs at every stage of life, including humane end of life hospice support. 

Brown and white cat licking another cat

We ensure clients know their options and help find the balance of care best for their pets & families.


Canine Influenza

The spring 2015 Chicago-based outbreak of canine influenza is a strain called H3N2, whereas this article is about a milder strain called H3N8. The vaccine for ...

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California to require clarity in pet health insurance policies

A bill regulating the pet health insurance industry has all but passed in California, with some predicting it could reach Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk by next week. ...

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Signs of Illness in Pet Birds

How to Pick up on Potential Illness SoonerSome people have the impression that pet birds can go from fine and healthy one day to looking seriously ill the next ...

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Canine influenza expert calls for better border protection

As the H3N2 strain of canine influenza circulates beyond Chicago, Illinois and spreads to other Midwestern states — Wisconsin and Indiana among them — one exper ...

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